




Nianzhi Jiao

















2011年当选中国科学院院士 2014年当选发展中国家科学院院士


1979-1983:山东海洋学院 学士

1983-1985:山东海洋学院 助教

1985-1988:青岛海洋大学 硕士

1988-1991:青岛海洋大学 博士

1991-1992:中国科学院海洋研究所 博士后研究

1993:日本东京大学 博士后研究

1994-2000:中国科学院海洋研究所 研究员

1996-1997:美国麻省理工学院 访问学者

1998-2000:日本国立环境研究所 日本科技厅聘研究员




















1998年获日本科技厅STA 奖

















厦门大学学术委员会 委员(2001-)


国际海洋科学研究委员会 SCOR WG 134(海洋微型生物碳泵)主席(2008-)

国务院学位委员会海洋科学学科评议组 成员(2008-)

国际海洋科学研究委员会 SCOR WG 126(海洋病毒与生态系统)成员(2005-2008)


中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)科学委员会 学术委员(1995-2000)


中国能源学会 副会长(2010-)


美国Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution项目(VERTIGO)PI (2006-2008)

德国Max plank Institute for Microbial Biology 博士导师组成员(2006-)

美国University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute 兼职教授(2007-)

中国微生物学会海洋微生物专业委员会 副主任委员(2005-)

纽约科学院 成员(1996-2000)

美国海洋与湖沼学会 会员(New York Academy of Sciences,member)(1997-)

美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Science,member)会员(1997-)

国际微生物生态学学会 (International Society for Microbial Ecology) 会员(1998-)


Applied and Environmental Microbiology 编委(2010-)

Marine Biology Research 编委(2006-)

Research Journal of Biological Sciences 特邀编委(2006-)

Applied and Environmental Microbiology Ad hoc Reviewer (2009-)

《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》(SCI)主编助理(2003-)





⑴ 近5年发表的50篇主要论著:

1 Jiao,NZ*,Herndl,GJ,Hansell,DA,Benner,R,Kattner,G,Wilhelm,SW,Kirchman,DL,Weinbauer,MG,Luo,TW,Chen,F,and Azam,F. 2010. Microbial production of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter: long-term carbon storage in the global ocean. Nature Review Microbiology. Vol ⑻,Doi: 10.1038/nrmicro2386

2 Jiao,NZ*,Zhang,F,and Hong,N,2010. Significant roles of bacteriochlorophylla supplemental to chlorophylla in the ocean. The ISME Journal (NPG). 4: 595-597.

3 Jiao,NZ*,Zhang,R,and Zheng,Q,2010. Coexistence of Two Different Photosynthetic Operons in Citromicrobium bathyomarinum JL354 as Revealed by Whole Genome Sequencing. Journal of Bacteriology. 192 ⑷: 1169-1170.

4 Tang,K,Huang,HZ,Jiao,NZ*,Wu,CH,2010. Phylogenomic Analysis of Marine Roseobacters PloS ONE. Vol ⑸: 7,e11604

5 Huang,CX,Zhang,YY,and Jiao,NZ*,2010. Phage resistance of a marine bacterium,Roseobacter denitrificans OCh114,as revealed by comparative proteomics. Current Microbiology.

6 Tang,K,Zong,R,Zhang,F,Xiao,Na,Jiao,NZ*,2010. Characterization of the Photosynthetic Apparatus and Proteome of Roseobacter denitrificans. Current Microbiology. 60: 124-133.

7 Liu,RL,Zhang,Y and Jiao,NZ*,2010. Diel variations in frequency of dividing cells and abundance of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in a coral reef system of the South China Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 58 ⑶: 303-310.

8 Hu,AY,Jiao,NZ*,Yao,TD,Liu YQ,Yang,Z,and Liu,XB,2010. Community structures of ammonia-oxidising archaea and bacteria in high-altitude lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. Freshwater Biology. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02454.x

9 Chen,C,Zhang,Q,Wang,YN,Yan,XJ,Hao,LK,Du,X,Jiao,NZ*,Stakelama pacifica gen. nov.,sp. nov.,a novel member of the family Sphingomonadaceae isolated from the Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 10.1099/ijs.0.018945-0

10. Zheng,Q,Chen,C,Yan,XJ,Wang,YN,Zeng,YH,Hao,LK,He,WH,Jiao,NZ*,2010. Mameliella alba gen. nov.,sp. nov.,a marine bacterium of the Roseobacter clade in the order Rhodobacterales. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 60: 953-957.

11. Cai,HY,Wang,K,Huang,SJ,Jiao,NZ*,and Chen,F*,2010. Shift of picocyanobacterial populations between winter and summer in Chesapeake Bay. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76 ⑼: 2955-2960.

12. Ma,Y,Zeng,YH,Jiao,NZ*,Shi Y,and Hong,N,2009,Vertical Distribution and Phylogenetic Composition of Bacteria in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean. Microbiological Research. 164: 624-633.

13. Zhao,YL,Wang,K,Ackermann,HW,Halden,RU,Jiao,NZ*,Chen,F*,2010. Searching for a "hidden" prophage in a marine bacterium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76⑵: 589-595.

14. Zhao,YL,Wang,K,Jiao,NZ *,and Chen,F*. Genome sequences of two novel phages infecting marine roseobacters. Environmental Microbiology. 11 ⑻: 2055-2064.

15. Zheng,Q,Chen,C,Wang,YN,Jiao,NZ*,2009. Oceanicola nitratireducens sp. nov.,a marine alphaproteobacterium isolated from the South China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.016311-0

16. Zeng,YH,Jiao,NZ*,2009. A novel method for assessment of 16s rRNA gene copy number in bacterial genomes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and pcr amplification. Journal Of Rapid Methods And Automation In Microbiology. 17 ⑶: 274-279.

17. Zhang,YY,Jiao,NZ*,Colquhoun,DR,Halden,RU,Chen,F*,2009. Protein modifications related to phage resistance in a marine roseobacter. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 55 ⑵: 203-207.

18. Zhao,Y,Wang,K,Budinoff,C,Buchan,A,Lang,A,Jiao,NZ*,and Chen,F*,2009. Gene Transfer Agent (GTA) genes reveal the diversity and dynamic nature of Roseobacter and Rhodobacter strains in the Chesapeake Bay. The ISME Journal (NPG). 3: 364-373.

19. Wei,CL,Zeng,YH,Tang,KX,Jiao,NZ*,2009. Comparison of bacterioplankton communities in three mariculture ponds farming different commercial animals in subtropical Chinese coast. Hydrobiologia. 632 ⑴: 107-126.

20. Zhang,YY and Jiao,NZ*,2009. Roseophage RDJLΦ1,infecting the aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Roseobacter denitrificans OCh114. Appl Environ Microb,75 ⑹: 1745-1749.

21. Zhao,MR,Chen,F,Jiao,NZ*,2009. Genetic diversity and abundance of flavobacterial proteorhodopsin in the China seas. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 75⑵: 529-533.

22. Zeng,YH,Shen,W,Jiao,NZ*,2009. Genetic diversity of aerobic anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria in open ocean surface waters and upper twilight zones. Marine Biology. 156⑶: 425-437.

23. Jiao NZ*,Zhang,CL,Chen,F,Kan,JJ,and Zhang,F.,2008. Frontiers and technological advances in microbial processes and carbon cycling in the ocean. In: Biological Oceanography Research Trends,Editor: L. P. Mertens,Nova Science Publishers,Inc. USA (ISBN: 978-1-60021-935-1) Chapter 8: pp. 217-267.

24. Shu,Q. L.,Jiao,NZ*,2008. New primers for amplification of the Planctomycetes 16S rRNA gene from environmental samples. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. 16: 330-336.

25. Chen,XH,Zeng,YH,Jiao,NZ*,2008. Characterization of cytophaga-flavobacteria community structure in the bering sea by cluster-specific 16s rrna gene amplification analysis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 18⑵: 194-198.

26. Shu,Q. L.,Jiao,NZ*,2008. Profiling Planctomycetales diversity with reference to anammox-related bacteria in a South China Sea deep sea sediment. Marine Ecology-An evolutionary perspective. 29: 413-420.

27. Shu,QL,Jiao,NZ*,2008. Different Planctomycetes diversity patterns in latitudinal surface seawater of the open sea and in sediment. Journal of Microbiology. 46⑵: 154-159.

28. Cai,HY,Jiao,NZ*,2008. Diversity and abundance of nitrate assimilation genes in the northern South China Sea. Microbial Ecology. 56⑷:751-64.

29. Zhang,Y,Jiao,NZ*,Hong,N,2008. Comparative studies on picoplankton biomass and community structure in different provinces from subarctic to subtropical oceans. Deep-Sea Research Part Ⅱ. 55(14-15): 1605-1614.

30. Jiao,NZ*,Zhang,Y,Zeng,YH,Hong,N,Chen,F,Liu RL,and Wang,PX,2007. Distinct distribution pattern of abundance and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the global ocean. Environmental Microbiology. 9⑿: 3091-3099.

31. Jiao,NZ*,Zhang,Y,Zeng,YH,Gardner,WD,Mishonov,AV,Richardson,MJ,Hong,N,Pan,DL,Yan,XH,Jo,YH,Chen,CTA,Wang,PX,Chen,YY,Hong,HS,Bai,Y,Chen,XH,Huang,BQ,Deng,H,Shi,Y,and Yang,DC. 2007. Ecological anomalies in the East China Sea: Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam? Water Research. 41(06): 1287-1293.

32. Zhang,Y and Jiao,NZ*,2007. Dynamics of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the East China Sea. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 61: 459-469.

33. Zeng,YH and Jiao,NZ*,2007. Source environment feature related phylogenetic distribution pattern of anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria as revealed by pufM analysis. Journal of Microbiology. 45⑶: 205-212.

34. Zeng,YH,Chen XH,and Jiao,NZ*,2007. Contrasting diversity pattern of Cytophaga-Flavobacteria in the estuarine and open ocean regions of the East China Sea. Marine Biology Research. 3: 428-437.

35. Liu,JW,Jiao,NZ*,Cai,HN,and Hong,HS,2007. Effects of UVB on the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in dinoflagellate prorocentrum donhaiense Lu. Acta Oceanol Sin. 26⑷: 123-131.

36. Zeng,YH,Chen XH,and Jiao,NZ*,2007. Genetic Diversity Assessment of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria by Distance Based Grouping Analysis of pufM Sequences. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 45: 639-645.

37. Zeng,YH,Li HY,and Jiao,NZ*,2007. Phylogenetic diversity of planktonic archaea in the estuarine region of East China Sea. Microbiol. Res. 162: 26-36.

38. Jiao,NZ*,2007. Geomicrobiological perspectives in the role of picoplankton. Journal of China University of Geosciences. 18 (Sp. Iss. Sl.): 363-366.

39. Jiao,NZ*,Zhang Y,and Chen,Y,2006. Time series observation based infrared epifluorescence microscopic (TIREM) approach for accurate enumeration of bacteriochlorophyll containing microbes in marine environments,Journal of Microbiological Methods. 65 ⑶: 442-452.

40. Jiao,NZ*,Zhao,YL,Luo TW,and Wang,XL,2006. Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing on the Dynamics of Virioplankton in the Yangtze River Estuary. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 86: 543-550.

41. Jiao,NZ*,Feng FY,and Wei,B,2006. Proteorhodopsin - a new path for biological utilization of light energy in the sea. Chin. Sci. Bull. 51⑻: 889-896.

42. Du,HL,Jiao,NZ*,Hu YH,and Zeng,YH,2006. Diversity and Distribution of pigmented Heterotrophic Bacteria in Marine Environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 57: 92-105.

43. Zhang,Y,Jiao,NZ*,Cottrell,MT,and Kirchman,DL,2006. Contribution of major bacterial groups to bacterial biomass production along a salinity gradient in the South China Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 43:233-241.

44. Du,HL,Jiao,NZ*,Hu YH,and Zeng,YH,2006. Real-time pcr for quantification of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria based on pufM gene in marine environment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 329⑴: 113-121.

45. Li,Q,Jiao,NZ*,and Peng,ZQ,2006. Environmental Control of Growth and BChl a Expression in an Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacterium,Erythrobacter longus (DSMZ6997). Act. Oceanol. Sin. 25⑹: 138-144.

46. Hu,YH,Du,HL,Jiao,NZ*,and Zeng,YH,2006. Abundant presence of the γ-like Proteobacterial pufM gene in oxic seawater. FEMS Microbiology Letter. 263⑵: 200-206.

47. Liu,JW,Jiao,NZ* and Cai,HN,2006. Cell cycling and signal transduction in marine phytoplankton. Progress in Natural Science. 16⑺: 671-678.

48. Chen,XH,Zeng,YH,and Jiao,NZ*,2006. Development and evaluation of specific 16S rDNA primers for marine Cytophaga–Flavobacteria cluster. Molecular Ecology Notes. 6: 1278-1281.

49. Jiao,NZ*,Yang,YH,Hong,N,Ma,Y,Koshikawa,H,and Watanabe,M,2005. Dynamics of autotrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research. 25⑽: 1265-1279.

50. Liu,JW,Jiao,NZ*,Hong,HS,Luo,TW,and Cai,HY,2005. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) as a marker of cell proliferation in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu and the green alga Dunaliella salina Teodoresco. Journal of Applied Phycology. 17: 323-330.

⑵ 2005年之前发表的论著(选15篇):

51. Jiao,NZ*,Yang,YJ,and Luo,TW,2004. Membrane potential based characterization by flow cytometry of physiological states in an aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 37⑵: 149-158.

52. Ma,Y,Jiao,NZ*,and Zeng,YH,2004. Natural Community structure of cyanobacteria in the South China Sea as revealed by rpoC1 gene sequence analysis. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 39: 353-358.

53. Zeng,YH,Jiao,NZ*,Cai,HY,Chen,XH,and Wei,CL,2004. Phylogenetic diversity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit genes of bacterioplankton in the East China Sea. Act. Oceanol. Sin. 23⑷: 673-685.

54. Zhang,Y and Jiao,NZ*,2004. Method for quantification of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. Chin. Sci. Bull. 49⑹: 597-600.

55. Ma,Y and Jiao,NZ*,2004. Molecular ecology of marine Synechococcus. Prog. Natural Sci. 14⑻: 649-655.

56. Yang,YH and Jiao,NZ,2004. Dynamics of picoplankton in the Nansha Islands area of the South China Sea. Act. Oceanol. Sin. 23⑶: 493-504.

57. Jiao,NZ*,Sieracki,M E,Zhang,Y,and Du,HL,2003. Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria And Their Roles In Marine Ecosystems. Chin Sci. Bull. 48⑾: 1064-1068.

58. Jiao,NZ*,Liu,C,Koshikawa,H,Watanabe,M,and Hong,H,2003. Dynamics of dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl-sulfoniopropionate in the China Seas. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 45 ⑺: 774-786.

59. Jiao,NZ*,Yang,YH,Koshikawa,H,and Watanabe,M,2002. Influence of hydrographic conditions on picoplankton distribution in the East China Sea,a marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 30⑴: 37-48.

60. Jiao,NZ*,Yang,YH,Harada,S,Koshigawa,H,and Watanabe,M,2002. Responses of Picoplankton to Nutrient Perturbation in the South China Sea,With Special Reference to the Coast-ward Distribution of Prochlorococcus. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 44⑹: 731-739.

61. Jiao,NZ* and Yang,YH,2002,Ecological Studies on Prochlorococcus in the China Seas,Chin. Sci. Bull.,47⒂: 1243-1250.

62. Jiao,NZ*,Yang,YH,Koshikawa,H,and Watanabe,M. 2001. Microscopic overestimation of heterotrophic bacteria in China Seas as compared with flow cytometry. J. Microbio. Biotechnol. 11⑸: 899-901.

63. Jiao,NZ*,Yang,YH,Mann,E,Chisholm,SW,and Chen,NH,1998. Winter presence of Prochlorococcus marinus in the East China Sea. Chin. Sci. Bull. 43⑽: 877-878.

64. Jiao,NZ* and Ni,I H,1997. Spatial variations of size-fractionated Chlorophyll,cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria in the central and western Pacific Hydrobilogia. 352: 219-230.

65. Jiao,NZ* and Wang,R,1994. Size structures of microplankton biomass and production in Jiaozhou Bay,China. J. Plankton Res. (UK). 16⑿: 1609-1625