





经 历 年 限 工 作 学 习 单 位 备注

1941年9月4日 出生于江苏省无锡市

1959.9-1965.7 北京大学化学系,物理化学,本科

1965.9-1968.7 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所催化。导师:张大煜中国科学院学部委员

1968.7-1978.7 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所研实员 助理研究员

1978.07-至今 中国科学技术大学化学物理系 讲师 副教授

1983-1985 德国慕尼黑大学物理化学研究所G. Ertl 教授实验室

1989 德国波恩大学物理化学研究所K. Wandelt教授实验室

1992-1993 意大利佛罗伦萨大学化学系G. Rovida教授实验室

1998 日本东北大学工学部分子化学工学科Yamada教授实验室






获 得 奖 项 时间 备注

因肼分解催化剂研制成功, 获国家科委颁发的"国家二等发明奖" 1987


近 期 发 表 论 文 年限 备注

"Structure and properties of Sm overlayer and Sm/Rh surface alloy on Rh(100)", Chinese Science Bulletin, 46, (2001). 2001

"Catalytic conversion of CO, NO and SO2 on the supported sulfide Catalyst: II. Catalytic reduction of SO2 and NO by CO", Appl. Catal. B, Vol.31, 133-143 (2001). 2001

Adsorption and Reaction of CO on Mo(100)-c(2′2)-N Surface Studied by HREELS, Chin. Chem. Lett., Vol. 11, No. 3, 275-278 (2000). 2000

"Preparation and adsorption properties of Mo2N model catalyst", Appl. Surf. Sci., Vol. 161, 86-93, (2000). 2000

"Catalytic conversion of CO, NO and SO2 on the supported sulfide Catalyst: I. Catalytic reduction of SO2 by CO", Appl. Catal. B, Vol. 24, 89-96 (2000). 2000

"Oxidation of Gd film grown on the Ni(110) surface studied by Synchrotron radiation photoemission", Progress in Natural Science, Vol.9, No.10, 753-759 (1999). 1999

"The adsorption and reaction of 15NO on the Mo(100)-c(2′2)-N surface studied by HREELS", Chinese Chemical Letter, Vol. 9, 667-670, (1998). 1998

"Synchrotron radiation photoemission studies on the growth of Gd film on Ni(110)", , Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.44, No.4, 328-331 (1999). 1999

"HREELS study on coadsorption of oxygen and cyclohexanone on the Pt(111) surface", Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.43, No.15, 1276-1279 (1998). 1998

"An AES, UPS and HREELS study of the oxidation and reaction of Nb(110)", Surface Science Letters, Vol.372, L285-L290 (1997). 1997

"The adsorption and reaction of cyclohexanone on the Pt(111) sueface", Surface Science Letters, 376, L429-L433 (1997).