
刘迎芳 |
刘迎芳 |
Yingfang Liu, Professor
中国科学院生物物理所 百人计划,研究员
简历 & 研究组工作摘要:
1993-1999年: 毕业于北京大学植物分子生物学系研究生,获博士学位
1999-2005年: 先后在美国国立犹太医学研究中心免疫学系、冷泉港实验室以及杜克大学医学中心从事博士后及研究助理工作
2005年回国后加入生物物理所后主要从事于衰老与凋亡相关蛋白的结构生物学研究工作。主要内容为:1.凋亡细胞吞噬的分子机制研究。凋亡细胞的吞噬主要有两条相互并行的通路介导,一是由CED-1,CED-6,CED-7和CED-14参与的信号途径,另一个是由CED-2,CED-5,CED-12和CED-10介导。我们对这一通路相关蛋白开展结构生物学研究工作,以期揭示这一重要通路中各分子的作用机制以及通路的调节机制。2. 癌症相关蛋白、细胞衰老及凋亡过程中表观遗传学的结构生物学研究。主要研究衰老及凋亡过程中染色体修饰的改变以及在基因表达调控中的作用,研究癌症分子机制。3. 重大传染病特别是流感病毒聚合酶结构生物学研究等。
Biography & Introduction
September 1993- May 1999: Graduate student, Dept. of Plant Molecular Biology, Peking University, P.R. China.
August 1999- February 2005: Postdoctoral Associate, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, W. M. Keck Structural Biology Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Duke University Medical Center.
February 2005-present: Principal Investigator, Institute of biophysics, CAS.
Dr. Yingfang Liu obtained his doctor degree on Plant Science in Peking University, 1999. In his postdoctoral training period in USA, he was mainly working on structure biology and engaged in structural and functional studies of some very important proteins, such as SarA, SarR, TALL-1 and its receptors and had got plenty of results.
Currently, Liu’s lab is mainly working on structural biology studies of some proteins related to cancer, aging and apoptosis. Some main projects are: 1. Structural and functional studies of proteins involving in cell corpse engulfment. Two redundant pathways have been identified for cell engulfment, one includes CED-1, CED-6, CED-7 and CED-14; the other includes CED-2, CED-5, CED-12 and CED-10. We are working on structural studies of these proteins in order to reveal their possible roles in the processes. 2. Structural study of epigenetic modification in cancer, aging and apoptosis processes. 3. Structural and functional study of influenza virus polymerase.
Selected Publications:
Xiaojing He, Jie Zhou, Mark Bartlam, Rongguang Zhang, Jianyuan Ma, Zhiyong Lou, Xuemei Li, Jingjing Li, Andrzej Joachimiak, Zonghao Zeng, Ruowen Ge, Zihe Rao*, Yingfang Liu*. Crystal structure of the polymerase PA_C:PB1_N complex from an avian influenza H5N1 virus. Nature, July 9,2008 (on-line). (* Correspondence)
Yang XY, Zhou J, Sun L, Wei ZY, Gao JY, Gong WM, Xu RM, Rao ZH, Liu YF*. Structural basis for the function of DCN-1 in protein neddylation.J BIOL CHEM, 282(34): 24490-24494 (2007).(* Correspondence)
Yingfang Liu, Adhar C. manna, Cheol-Ho Pan, Irina A. Kriksunov, Daniel J. Thiel, Ambrose L. Cheung, and Gongyi Zhang. Structural and function analyses of the global regulatory protein SarA from Staphylococcus aureus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:2392-7 (2006).
Yingfang Liu , Xia Hong, John Kappler, Ling Jiang, Rongguang Zhang, Liangguo Xu, Cheol-Ho Pan, Hong-Bing Shu, Shaodong Dai, and Gongyi Zhang. Complex Structures of sTALL-1/BCMA and sTALL-1/BAFFR Extracellular Domain Show Unique Ligand/Receptor Interaction of TNF Family Members. Nature 423, 49– 56 (2003).
Yingfang Liu, Liangguo Xu, Natasha Opalka, Hongbin Shu and Gongyi Zhang. Crystal structure of s-TALL1 reveals a novel virus-like assembly of TNF family ligands. Cell 108, 383-394 (2002).
Yingfang Liu, Adhar Manna, Ronggui Li, Wesley E. Martin, Robert C. Murphy, Ambrose L. Cheung, and Gongyi Zhang. Crystal structure of the SarR protein from Staphylococcus aureus. PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 98: 6877-6882 (2001).
Yingfang Liu, Ruanbao Zhou and Jindong Zhao. Molecular cloning and sequencing of the sodB gene from a heterocystous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. BBA-GENE STRUCT EXPR, 1491, 248-252 (2000).
Yingfang Liu, Jingchu Luo, Chunyu Xu, Fucheng Ren, Cheng Peng, Guangyao Wu, and Jindong Zhao. Purification, characterization, and molecular cloning of the gene of a seed-Specific antimicrobial protein from pokeweed. PLANT PHYSIOL 122, 1015-1024 (2000).