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  2. Q. Tan, C.Y. Du, Y.R. Sun, G.P. Yin, Y.Z. Gao,Pd-around-CeO2-x hybrid nanostructure catalyst: three-phase-transfer synthesis, electrocatalytic properties and dual promoting mechanism. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2,1429。
  3. L. Du, S. Zhang, G.Y. Chen, G.P. Yin,C.Y. Du, Q. Tan, Y.R. Sun, Y.T. Qu, Y.Z. Gao, Polyelectrolyte assisted synthesis and enhanced oxygen reduction activity of Pt nanocrystals with controllable shape and size. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.2014, 6(16), 14043。
  4. N. Zhang, S. Zhang, C.Y. Du, Z.B. Wang, Y.Y. Shao, F.D. Kong, Y.H. Lin, G.P. Yin, Pt/Tin Oxide/Carbon nanocomposites as promising oxygen reduction electrocatalyst with improved stability and activity. Electrochim. Acta.2014, 117(20), 413。
  5. C.Y. Du, M. Chen, W.G. Wang, Q. Tan, K. Xiong, G.P. Yin, Platinum-based intermetallic nanotubes with a core-shell structure as highly active and durable catalysts for fuel cell applications. J. Power Sources. 2013, 240(15), 630。
  6. D.J. Zhao, S. Zhang, G.P. Yin, C.Y. Du, Z.B. Wang, J. Wei, Tungsten doped Co-Se nanocomposites as an efficient non precious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction. Electrochim. Acta. 2013, 91(28), 179。
  7. Y. Gu, C.T. Liu, J. Gao, K. Wang, Y.R. Sun, C.Y. Du, Effects of microwave power on performance of Pt/CeO2/MWCNTs catalysts prepared by microwave-assisted polyol process for methanol electrooxidation. Materials design, progress and applications. 2013, (690-693), 1500。
  8. Q. Tan, C.Y. Du, G.P. Yin, P.J. Zuo, X.Q. Cheng, M. Chen, Highly efficient and stable nonplatinum anode catalyst with Au@Pd core–shell nanostructures for methanol electrooxidation. J. Catal. 2012, 295, 217。
  9. C.T. Liu, C. Meng, C.Y. Du, J. Zhang, G.P. Yin, P.F. Shi, Y.R. Sun, Durability of ordered mesoporous carbon supported Pt particles as catalysts for direct formic acid fuel cells. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 2012, 7, 10592.
  10. L.H. Xing, Z.B. Wang, C.Y. Du, G.P. Yin, The influence of anode diffusion layer on the performance of direct dimethyl ether fuel cell. Int. J. Energ. Res. 2012, 36(7), 886。
  11. L.H. Xing, G.P. Yin, Z.B. Wang, S. Zhang, Y.Z. Gao, C.Y. Du, Investigation on the durability of direct dimethyl ether fuel cell. Part I: Anode degradation. J. Power Sources. 2012, 198(15), 170。
  12. F.D. Kong, S. Zhang, G.P. Yin, Z.B. Wang, C.Y. Du, G.Y. Chen, N. Zhang, Electrochemical studies of Pt/Ir-IrO2electrocatalyst as a bifunctional oxygen electrode. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2012, 37(1), 6759。
  13. F.D. Kong, S. Zhang, G.P. Yin, N. Zhang, Z.B. Wang, C.Y. Du, Pt/porous-IrO2 nanocomposite as promising electrocatalyst for unitized regenerative fuel cell. Electrochem. Commun. 2012, 14(1), 63。
  14. F.D. Kong, S. Zhang, G.P. Yin, N. Zhang, Z.B. Wang, C.Y. Du, Preparation of Pt/Irx(IrO2)10-x bifunctional oxygen catalyst for unitized regenerative fuel cell. J. Power Sources. 2012, 210(15), 321。
  15. D.J. Zhao, S. Zhang, G.P. Yin, C.Y. Du, Z.B. Wang, J. Wei, Effect of Se in Co-based selenides towards oxygen reduction electrocatalytic activity. J. Power Sources. 2012, 206(15), 103。
  16. C.Y. Du, M. Chen, W.G. Wang, G.P. Yin, Nanoporous PdNi alloy nanowires as highly active catalysts for the electro-oxidation of formic acid. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2011, 3(2), 105。
  17. M. Chen, C.Y. Du, J. Zhang, P.P. Wang, T. Zhu, Effect, mechanism and recovery of nitrogen oxides poisoning on oxygen reduction reaction at Pt/C catalysts. J. Power Sources. 2011, 196(2), 620.
  18. T. Zhu, C.Y. Du, C.T. Liu、G. P. Yin, P. F. Shi, SiO2 stabilized Pt/C cathode catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2011, 257(6), 2371。
  19. L.H. Xing, Y.Z. Gao, Z.B. Wang, C.Y. Du, G.P. Yin, Effect of anode diffusion layer fabricated with mesoporous carbon on the performance of direct dimethyl ether fuel cell. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2011, 36(17), 11102。
  20. C.Y. Du , M. Chen, W.G. Wang, G.P. Yin, P.F. Shi, Electrodeposited PdNi2 alloy with novelly enhanced catalytic activity for electrooxidation of formic acid. Electrochem. Commun. 2010, 12(6), 843.
  21. G.J. Wang. Y.Z. Gao, Z.B. Wang, C.Y. Du, J. J. Wang, G.P. Yin, Investigation of PtNi/C anode。electrocatalysts for direct borohydride fuel cell. J. Power Sources. 2010, 195(1), 185。
  22. G. J. Wang, Y. Z. Gao, Z. B. Wang, C. Y. Du, G.P. Yin, A membrane electrode assembly with high fuel coulombic efficiency for passive direct borohydride fuel cells. Electrochem. Commun. 2010, 12(8), 1070。


  1. H. Liu, C. Chen, C. Y. Du, X. S. He ,G.P. Yin, B. Song, P.J. Zuo, X.Q. Cheng , Y.L. Ma, Y.Z. Gao,Lithium-rich Li 1.2 Ni 0.13 Co0.13 Mn0.54 O 2 oxide coated by Li3PO4 and carbon nanocomposite layers as high performance cathode materials for lithium ion batteries J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3,2634-2641。
  2. Y. Z. Cui, C. Y. Du,G.P. Yin,Y.Z. Gao, L. L. Zhang, T. Guan, L. J. Yang, F.P. Wang. Multi-stress factor model for cycle lifetime prediction of lithium ion batteries with shallow-depth discharge. J. Power Sources. 2015, 279, 123–132。
  3. G.Y. Cheng, P.J. Zuo, L.G. Wang, W. Shi, Y.L. Ma, C.Y. Du, X.Q. Cheng, Y.Z. Gao, G.P. Yin, High-performance carbon-coated LiMnPO4 nanocomposites by facile two-step solid-state synthesis for lithium-ion battery. J Solid. State. Electr.2015, 19(1), 281。
  4. L.G. Wang, P.J. Zuo, G.P. Yin, Y.L. Ma, X.Q. Cheng, C.Y. Du, Y.Z. Gao, Improved electrochemical performance and capacity fading mechanism of nano-sized LiMn0.9Fe0.1PO4 cathode modified by polyacene coating. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2015, 3(4), 1569。
  5. H. Liu , C.Y. Du , G.P. Yin, B. Song, P.J. Zuo, X.Q. Cheng , Y.L. Ma, Y.Z. Gao, An Li-rich oxide cathode material with mosaic spinel grain and a surface coating for high performance Li-ion batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2(37), 15640。
  6. L.J. Yang, X.Q. Cheng, Y.Z. Gao, Y.L. Ma, P.J. Zuo, C.Y. Du, Y.Z.Cui, T.Guan, S.F. Lou, F.P. Wang, W.D.Fei, G.P. Yin, Lithium deposition on graphite anode during long-term cycles and the effect on capacity loss. RSC Adv. 2014, 4(50), 26335。
  7. L.J. Yang, X.Q. Cheng, Y.Z. Gao, P.J. Zuo, Y.L. Ma, C.Y. Du, B. Shen, Y.Z. Cui, T. Guan, G.P. Yin, Lithium compound deposition on mesocarbon microbead anode of lithium ion batteries after long-term cycling. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2014, 6(15), 12962。。
  8. L.L. Zhang, Y.L. Ma, C.Y. Du, G.P. Yin, Research on the high-voltage electrolyte for lithium ion batteries.Process. Chem. 2014, 26(4), 553。
  9. T. Guan, P.J Zuo, S. Sun, C.Y. Du, L.L. Zhang, Y.Z. Cui, L. J. Yang, Y.Z. Gao, G.P.Yin, F.P.Wang, Degradation mechanism of LiCoO2/mesocarbon microbeads battery based on accelerated aging tests. J. Power Sources. 2014, 268, 816。
  10. L.L. Zhang, Y.L. Ma, X.Q. Cheng, P.J Zuo, Y.Z. Cui, T. Guan, C.Y. Du, Y.Z. Gao, G.P. Yin, Enhancement of high voltage cycling performance and thermal stability of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode by use of boron-based additives. J. Power Sources. 2014, 263,146。
  11. M. Chen, C.Y. Du, B. Song, K. Xiong, G.P. Yin, P.J. Zuo , X.Q. Cheng, High-performance LiFePO4 cathode material from FePO4 microspheres with carbon nanotube networks embedded for lithium ion batteries. J. Power Sources. 2013, 223, 100。
  12. P.J. Zuo, T. Wang, G.Y. Cheng, C.Y. Du, Y.L. Ma, X.Q. Cheng, G.P. Yin, Improved electrochemical performance of nano-crystalline Li2FeSiO4/C cathode material prepared by the optimization of sintering temperature. J. Solid. State. Electr. 2013, 17(7), 1955。
  13. P.J. Zuo, G.Y. Cheng, L.G. Wang, Y.L. Ma, C.Y. Du, X.Q. Cheng, Z.B. Wang, G.P. Yin, Ascorbic acid-assisted solvothermal synthesis of LiMn0.9Fe0.1PO4/C nanoplatelets with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium ion batteries. J. Power Sources. 2013, 243, 872。
  14. M. Chen, C.Y. Du , L. Wang, P.F. Shi, Silicon/Graphite/Polyaniline nanocomposite with improved lithium-storage capacity and cyclability as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Int. J. Electrochem. SC. 2012, 7(1), 819。
  15. P.J. Zuo, T. Wang, G.Y. Cheng, X.Q. Cheng, C.Y. Du, G.P. Yin, Effects of carbon on the structure and electrochemical performance of Li2FeSiO4 cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. RSC Adv. 2012, 2(17), 6994。
  16. F. Yang, K. Cheng, X.L. Liu, S. Chang, J.L. Yin, C.Y. Du, L. Du, G.L. Wang, D.X. Cao, Direct peroxide-peroxide fuel cell - Part 2: Effects of conditions on the performance. J. Power Sources. 2012, 217, 569.
  17. Y.X. An, P.J. Zuo, C.Y. Du, Y.L. Ma, X.Q. Cheng, J.Y. Lin, G.P. Yin, Effects of VC-LiBOB binary additives on SEI formation in ionic liquid-organic composite electrolyte. RSC Adv. 2012, 2(10), 4097。
  18. C.Y. Du, C.H. Gao, G.P. Yin, M. Chen, L. Wang, Facile fabrication of a nanoporous silicon electrode with superior stability for lithium ion batteries. Energ. Environ. Sci. 2011, 4(3), 1037。
  19. C.Y. Du, M. Chen, L. Wang, G.P. Yin, Covalently-functionalizing synthesis of Si@C core-shell nanocomposites as high-capacity anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21(39), 15692。 


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