




















  1. 微纳米纺织材料;
  2. 生物医用材料;
  3. 功能微纳米服装与智能可穿戴;
  4. 微纳米非织造材料;
  5. 纳米纤维电子器件与能量转换材料;
  6. 新型纺织纱线与智能制造;
  7. 纺织复合材料结构与性能。[1]


主持国家科技支撑计划、国家重点研发项目子课题,国家自然科学基金项目6项,以及上海市教委创新计划重大项目等50余项;发表学术论文200余篇,近五年以第一或通讯作者在Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Mater.等国际Top一区期刊发表文章32篇,主编部委级规划教材3部。获授权国家发明专利78项,获纺织科技成果转化贡献奖、第二十二届中国专利奖。[1]承担项目
  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:窄分布微纳米纤维集合体形成机制与可控聚集研究
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于微三角区的纳米纤维定向集聚连续成纱机理及批量制备
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于喷气涡流下取向微纳米纤维成纱的演化过程与机理研究
  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Taylor 锥静电纺规模化制备微纳米纤维的机理研究
  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:变参数下静电纺纳米纤维形成过程的基础研究
  6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于表面电荷作用下静电纺纳米纤维的力学模型
  7. 教育部全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金:基于喷头结构的静电纺丝拉伸模型仿真及其应用
  8. 教育部新世纪人才计划:柔性喷头静电纺制备微纳米纤维的关键问题
  9. 教育部霍英东基金:静电纺纳米纤维形成过程的建模和仿真
  10. 上海市教委科研创新计划自然科学重大项目:通用性微纳米纤维可控成纱理论与批量制备
  11. 上海市优秀技术带头人:窄分布微纳米纤维高效空气过滤产品的低阻化研究及产业化
  12. 上海市教委助推计划:一种伞状静电纺丝喷头及静电纺丝方法
  13. 上海市曙光计划:微纳米纤维Taylor 锥多喷头静电纺的力学模型
  14. 上海市启明星人才计划:微纳米纤维静电纺拉伸过程的模型化研究
  15. 安踏(中国)有限公司技术研发项目:运动服饰用亚微米纤维及面料研发[1]


  1. 2021年第十七届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛上海赛区特等奖
  2. 2021年第十七届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国三等奖
  3. 2021年第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛上海赛区银奖
  4. 2020年第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛上海赛区铜奖
  5. 2019年第十六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛上海赛区一等奖
  6. 2019年第十六届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国三等奖
  7. 2017年第十五届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛上海赛区三等奖[1]


  1. 2006,2009,2011,2013年4次获得国家自然科学基金项目资助
  2. 2007年获得东华大学优秀青年教师称号和上海市优秀青年教师基金[1]
  3. 2008年获得全国优秀博士学位论文
  4. 2009年入选上海市“启明星”人才计划
  5. 2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才
  6. 2010年获得教育部“霍英东”基金奖励
  7. 2011年入选为上海市“曙光”学者
  8. 2011年主编的国家十一五规划教材获得了上海市科技专著出版基金
  9. 2012年入选为江苏省“双创”人才
  10. 2015年入选国家高层次人才青年学者
  11. 2016年3月,获“上海市巾帼创新新秀奖”,同时被授予“上海市三八红旗手”称号[2]
  12. 2016年获中国纺织青年科技奖
  13. 2017年入选上海市优秀技术带头人
  14. 2018年入选中国纺织学术带头人
  15. 2019年获中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果三等奖2项(第一完成人)
  16. 2019年获纺织科技成果转化贡献奖
  17. 2019年获中国纺织行业专利奖优秀奖(第一完成人)
  18. 2019年获中国纺织工业联合会科学技术一等奖(第一完成人)
  19. 2020年获国家技术发明二等奖(第一完成人)[1]
  20. 2020年8月30日,覃小红入选第十六届中国青年科技奖获奖人选名单[3]
  21. 2021年11月,获得国家技术发明奖二等奖[4]
  22. 2022年2月18日,覃小红荣获第二十四届中国科协求是杰出青年成果转化奖[5]


  1. 主编《纳米技术与纳米纺织品》,东华大学出版社,2011.12,十二五部委级优秀教材
  2. 主编《微纳米纺织品与检测》,东华大学出版社,2019.1,纺织服装专业优秀教材
  3. 主编《纳尺度纺织纤维科学工程》,东华大学出版社,2019.1,纺织服装专业优秀教材、上海市高等教育优秀教材
  4. 应邀参加撰写《Electrospun Nanofibers》,英国,Woodhead出版社,2016.9[1]
  1. Ailin Li, Jian Xiong, Ye Liu, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, Fiber-intercepting-particle structured MOF membranes for simultaneous solar vapor generation and organic pollutant adsorption, Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 428, 131365.
  2. Ye Liu, Huijie Liu, Jian Xiong, Ailin Li, Rongwu Wang, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, Bioinspired design of electrospun nanofiber based aerogel for efficient and cost-effective solar vapor generation, Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 427, 131539.
  3. Xinyang He, Jia Shi, Yunna Hao, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, PEDOT:PSS/CNT composites based ultra-stretchable thermoelectrics and their application as self-powered strain sensors, Composites Communications 2021, 27, 100822.
  4. Huijie Liu, Ye Liu, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, Nanofiber-based origami evaporator for multifunctional and omnidirectional solar steam generation, Carbon 2021, 177, 199-206.
  5. Zhaoyang Sun, Lanlan Feng, Xian Wen, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, Nanofiber fabric based ion-gradient-enhanced moist-electric generator with a sustained voltage output of 1.1 volts, Materials Horizons 2021, 8, 2303-2309.
  6. Zhaoyang Sun, Lanlan Feng, Chengdong Xiong, Xinyang He, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, Electrospun nanofiber fabric: an efficient, breathable and wearable moist-electric generator, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021, 9, 7085-7093.
  7. Mantang He, Huijie Liu, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, One-step fabrication of a stretchable and anti-oil-fouling nanofiber membrane for solar steam generation dagger, Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 5, 3673-3680.
  8. Mengjuan Zhou, Min Hu, Zhenzhen Quan, Hongnan Zhang, Xiaohong Qin*, Rongwu Wang*, Jianyong Yu, Polyacrylonitrile/polyimide composite sub-micro fibrous membranes for precise filtration of PM0.26 pollutants, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2020, 578, 195-206.
  9. Hua Han, Jie Zhu, De Qun Wu*, Faxue Li*, Xueli Wang, Jianyong Yu, Xiaohong Qin*, Inherent Guanidine Nanogels with Durable Antibacterial and Bacterially Antiadhesive Properties, Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1806594.
  10. Qiaohua Qiu, Siyuan Chen, Yuanping Li, Yuchen Yang, Hongnan Zhang, Zhenzhen Quan, Xiaohong Qin*, Rongwu Wang, Jianyong Yu, Functional nanofibers embedded into textiles for durable antibacterial properties, Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 384, 123241.
  11. Ning Mao, Hui Peng, Zhenzhen Quan, Hongnan Zhang, Dequn Wu, Xiaohong Qin*, Rongwu Wang, Jianyong Yu, Wettability Control in Tree Structure-Based 1D Fiber Assemblies for Moisture Wicking Functionality, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 44682-44690.
  12. Yang Yuchen, Zhao Yajie, Quan Zhenzhen, Zhang Hongnan, Qin Xiaohong*, Wang Rongwu, Yu Jianyong, An efficient hybrid strategy for composite yarns of micro-/nano-fibers, Materials & Design 2019, 184, 108196.
  13. Mengjuan Zhou, Mengzhen Fang, Zhenzhen Quan, Hongnan Zhang, Xiaohong Qin*, Rongwu Wang*, Jianyong Yu, Large-scale preparation of micro-gradient structured sub-micro fibrous membranes with narrow diameter distributions for high-efficiency air purification, Environmental Science-Nano 2019, 6, 3560-3578.
  14. Mantang He, Hongyu Dai, Huijie Liu, Qirong Cai, Ye Liu, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, and Jianyong Yu, High-Performance Solar Steam Generator Based on Polypyrrole Coated Fabric via 3D Macro- and Microstructure Design, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c11802.
  15. Jian Xiong, Ailin Li, Ye Liu, Liming Wang*, Xiaohong Qin*, Jianyong Yu, Scalable and hierarchically designed MOF fabrics by netting MOFs into nanofiber networks for high-performance solar-driven water purification, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021, Accept.[1]
  16. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Wu Dequn,Chu Chih-Chang. Dual functions of polyvinylalcohol (PVA): fabricating particles and electrospinning nanofibers applied incontrolled drug release. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. v15,p.1395-1408,2013


  17. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Wu Dequn, Effect of Different Solvents on Poly(caprolactone) (PCL) Electrospun Nonwoven Membranes. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. v 107, n 3, p.1007-1013, 2012.


  18. Jia Lin,

    Qin Xiao-Hong*

    . The Effect of Different Surfactants on the Electrospinning Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) Nanofibers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Print ISSN 1388-6150, p1-11, 2012.


  19. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Dou Guanxian, Jiang Guojun eta. Characterization of Poly (vinyl alcohol) Nanofiber Mats Cross-linked With Glutaraldehyde. Journal of Industrial Textiles. v 42, n 2, p1-11, 2012.


  20. Jia Lin,

    Qin Xiao-Hong*

    . Effect of Solution Concentration on Jet Stretching of Electrospinning PVA Nanofiber. International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research. v 38, n 6, p 479-488, 2011.


  21. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Jia Lin, Lu Wenyun, Shou Dahua, Fan Jintu, Stretching of the Steady Jet in Electrospinning: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Verification, Textile Research Journal, v 81, n 4, p 388-397, March 2011.


  22. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Structure and Property of Electrospun Pan Nanofibers by Different Pre-oxidated Heating rates, Journal of Industrial Textiles, v 41, n 1, p 57-69, July 2011.


  23. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Xin Dong-Po, The Study on the Air Volume Fraction of Electrospun Nanofiber Nonwoven Mats. Fibers and Polymers, v 11, n 4, p 632-637, 2010.


  24. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Structure and Property of Electrospinning PAN Nanofibers by Different Preoxidation Temperature, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v 99, n 2, p 571-575, February 2010.


  25. Li Ni,

    Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Lin Ling, Wang Shan-Yuan, The Effects of Spinning Conditions on the Morphology of Electrospun Jet and Nonwowen Membrane, Polymer Engineering and Science, v 48, n 12, p 2362-2366, December 2008.


  26. Li Ni,

    Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Yang En-long, Wang Shan-Yuan, Effect on Instability Section of PVA Electrospinning Nanofibers by Adding LiCl, Materials Letters, v 62, n 8-9, p 1345-1348, March 31, 2008.


  27. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Wang Shan-Yuan, Electrospun Nanofibers From Crosslinked Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Its Filtration Efficiency, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v 109, n 2, p 951-956, July 15, 2008.


  28. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Wang Shan-Yuan, Interior Structure of Polyacrylonitrile(PAN) Nanofibers with LiCl, Materials Letters, v 62, n 8-9, p 1325-1327, March 31, 2008.


  29. Wu Huijun*, Fan Jintu,

    Qin Xiao-Hong

    , Mo Sam, Hinestroza Juan P,Fabrication and Characterization of A Novel Polypropylene/poly(vinyl alcohol)/aluminum Hybrid Layered Assembly for High-performance Fibrous Insulation, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v 110, n 4, p 2525-2530, November 15, 2008.


  30. Wu Huijun*, Fan Jintu,

    Qin Xiao-Hong

    , Zhang Guoge, Thermal Radiative Properties of Electrospun Superfine Fibrous PVA Films, Materials Letters, v 62, n 6-7, p 828-831, March 15, 2008.


  31. Yang En-long,

    Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Wang Shan-Yuan, Electrospun Crosslinked Polyvinyl Alcohol Membrane, Materials Letters, v 62, n 20, p 3555-3557, July 31, 2008.


  32. Dou Guan-Xian,

    Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Research on Water Resistance of Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofiber Mats, Advanced Materials Research, v 175-176, p 247-252, 2011.


  33. Wang Hui,

    Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Study on Structures of Electrospinning Cellulose Acetate Nanofibers, Advanced Materials Research, v 175-176, p 242-246, 2011.


  34. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Wang Hui. Thermal properties of cellulose acetate nanofibers membranes electrospun by different solvents. Chemical Fibers International. v 61, n 4, p 204-205, 2011.


  35. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , JiaLin, Li, Ni, Effect of LiCl in Polymer Solution on the Instable Part of Electrospinning Nanofibers: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Verification, Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), v 27, n 3, p 312-315, 2010.


  36. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Structure and Property of Electrospinning PAN Nanofiber Nonwovens by Different Pre-oxidation Conditions, Chemical Fibers International, v 60, n 2, p 115-118, May 2010.


  37. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Xin Dong-Po, Air Content of PAN Nanofiber Nonwovens by Different Electrospinning Processes, Chemical Fibers International, v 59, n 2, p 115-117, May 2009.


  38. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Zhao Cong-Tao, Effect of Carbonization Temperature on the Structure of Carbon Nanofiber Nonwovens by Electrospinning, Chemical Fibers International, v 59, n 1, p 50-52, March 2009.


  39. Qin Xiao-Hong*

    , Structure Comparison between PVA Nonwovens and Crosslinked PVA Nonwovens by Electrospinning, Chemical Fibers International, v 58, n 2, p 127-129, June 2008.


  1. 覃小红;杨宇晨;赵雅洁;俞建勇,纳米纤维/短纤混纺体系中纳米纤维的可视化示踪方法,2021.04.06,中国,ZL201811479707.X             
  2. 覃小红;熊健;王荣武;吴媛媛,一种多孔球形静电纺丝喷头及其纺丝方法,2021.04.06,中国,ZL201810375614.6
  3. 覃小红;毛宁;刘险峰;李艾琳;张弘楠,一种顺重力圆柱形静电纺丝装置及方法,2021.05.11,中国,ZL201810417125.2
  4. 覃小红;熊健;王荣武,一种适用于高速运动的可控自由液面蘑菇头型静电纺丝喷头及其使用方法,2021.05.25,中国,ZL201910217395.3
  5. 覃小红;熊健;丁进平;王荣武,一种自清洁螺旋型静电纺丝喷头及其使用方法,2021.05.25,中国,ZL201910217392.X
  6. 覃小红;毛宁;陈旭旭;王荣武;俞建勇,一种静电纺丝相位补偿铺网控制系统,2021.06.04,中国,ZL201811030460.3
  7. 覃小红;熊健;王黎明;刘烨;刘慧洁;俞建勇,光热水蒸发纳米纤维针织集合体制备装置和方法,2021.06.11,中国,ZL201911146604.6
  8. 覃小红;杨宇晨;张弘楠;俞建勇,包覆纱体表面毛羽的亚微米长丝带伴纺成纱装置及方法,2021.06.11,中国,ZL201910567368.9
  9. 覃小红;杨宇晨;权震震;王荣武;俞建勇,一种在线式微纳米纤维多级包芯复合纺纱装置及方法,2021.06.11,中国,ZL201910566867.6
  10. 覃小红;李园平;杨宇晨;俞建勇,静电纺亚微米纤维棉条复合混纺纱的制备装置和方法,2021.06.25,中国,ZL201711439289.7
  11. 覃小红;李艾琳;王荣武,一种应用于静电纺丝箱体的均匀分散气流缓冲机构,2021.07.02,中国,ZL201910566850.0
  12. 覃小红;熊健;俞建勇,批量化可控结构纳米纤维包覆纱的制备装置及其使用方法,2021.08.20,中国,ZL201810417356.3
  13. 覃小红;徐慧琳;王荣武,取向纳米纤维纱线组合式静电纺丝装置及其使用方法,2021.08.31,中国,ZL201910434699.5
  14. 覃小红;熊健;丁进平;王荣武,一种纺丝液曲率可控的螺旋型静电纺丝喷头及其使用方法,2021.08.31,中国,ZL201910217391.5
  15. 覃小红;熊健;王荣武,一种静电纺丝甬道气氛控制装置及其使用方法,2021.08.31,中国,ZL201910217821.3[1]






Fibers and Polymers期刊,编委,2017.12-至今

ISRN Nanomaterials期刊,编委,2012.10-至今

International Journal of Polymer Science期刊,客座主编,2012.6-至今
